
Tidy Analysis Tools for Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data

Primary LanguageR



The goal of vital is to allow analysis of demographic data using tidy tools.


You can install the development version of vital from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

# Examples using Victorian females
vic_female <- aus_mortality |>
  filter(State == "Victoria", Sex == "female")

# Lifetable in 2000
vic_female |> 
  filter(Year == 2000) |>
#> # A vital: 101 x 12 [?]
#> # Key:     Age, Sex, State, Code [101]
#>     Year Sex   State Code       mx      qx    lx      dx    Lx    Tx    ex   Age
#>    <int> <chr> <chr> <chr>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
#>  1  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   4.02e-3 4.01e-3 1     4.01e-3 0.996  82.6  82.6     0
#>  2  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   2.70e-4 2.70e-4 0.996 2.69e-4 0.996  81.6  82.0     1
#>  3  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   3.38e-5 3.38e-5 0.996 3.37e-5 0.996  80.6  81.0     2
#>  4  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   3.32e-5 3.32e-5 0.996 3.30e-5 0.996  79.6  80.0     3
#>  5  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   9.83e-5 9.83e-5 0.996 9.79e-5 0.996  78.7  79.0     4
#>  6  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   9.65e-5 9.65e-5 0.996 9.61e-5 0.996  77.7  78.0     5
#>  7  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   2.22e-4 2.22e-4 0.995 2.21e-4 0.995  76.7  77.0     6
#>  8  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   6.32e-5 6.32e-5 0.995 6.29e-5 0.995  75.7  76.0     7
#>  9  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   3.16e-5 3.16e-5 0.995 3.14e-5 0.995  74.7  75.0     8
#> 10  2000 fema… Vict… VIC   1.25e-4 1.25e-4 0.995 1.25e-4 0.995  73.7  74.0     9
#> # ℹ 91 more rows

# Life expectancy
vic_female |> 
  life_expectancy() |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = Year, y = ex)) +

# Smoothed data
vic_female |> 
  filter(Year == 2000) |> 
  smooth_mortality(Mortality) |>
  autoplot(Mortality) +
  geom_line(aes(y = .smooth), col = "blue") +
  ylab("Mortality rate") +

# Lee-Carter model
lc <- vic_female |>
  model(lee_carter = LC(log(Mortality)))
#> Series: Mortality 
#> Model: LC 
#> Transformation: log(Mortality) 
#> Options:
#>   Adjust method: dt
#>   Jump choice: fit
#> Age functions
#> # A tibble: 101 × 3
#>     Age    ax     bx
#>   <int> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1     0 -4.15 0.0157
#> 2     1 -6.40 0.0218
#> 3     2 -7.01 0.0195
#> 4     3 -7.32 0.0180
#> 5     4 -7.36 0.0159
#> # ℹ 96 more rows
#> Time coefficients
#> # A tsibble: 120 x 2 [1Y]
#>    Year    kt
#>   <int> <dbl>
#> 1  1901 111. 
#> 2  1902 111. 
#> 3  1903 109. 
#> 4  1904 100. 
#> 5  1905  98.8
#> # ℹ 115 more rows
#> Time series model: RW w/ drift 
#> Variance explained: 72.99%


# Forecasts from Lee-Carter model
lc |>
  forecast(h = 20) |>
  autoplot(Mortality) +
  ylab("Mortality rate") +