- 2
[nominatim] wait-for-db doesn't support an external database through a k8s secret
#90 opened by Longwelwind - 0
[kimai2] Increase default resources
#89 opened by rhizoet - 1
- 0
[Nominatim] Continous updates are deprecated
#64 opened by dbt-lucka - 0
Wrong indentation
#88 opened by eovolkov - 2
[nominatim] allow to add annotations to PVCs
#83 opened by MatthiasLohr - 1
[nominatim] Support sidecar containers
#87 opened by DevoFalcon - 0
upgrade postgres to allow arm
#61 opened by frank-bee - 0
- 4
Bad mapping between values.yaml and mariadb?
#2 opened by neerdoc - 0
- 0
[kimai2] volumePermission not allowed
#77 opened by fzhan - 2
nominatim: ingress.ingressClassName
#80 opened by MatthiasLohr - 11
Add plugin in Kimai via Helm
#79 opened by mayankkhullar - 6
- 2
can't login
#76 opened by RLutsch - 4
Not able to Login
#75 opened by mayankkhullar - 2
North America import fails
#74 opened by alterEgo123 - 1
- 4
- 0
- 0
[kimai2] missing selector from pvc
#67 opened by linuxmaniac - 2
- 1
[kimai] appVersion in Chart.yml does not correspond with image.tag in values.yml
#66 opened by f3k-freek - 2
- 9
- 2
nominatim: flatnode question
#50 opened by ashley-mort - 9
- 3
- 0
- 0
allow using a PVC for the data volume
#27 opened by frank-bee - 4
allow providing the database DSN via extraEnv
#29 opened by frank-bee - 9
nominatim: Add opportunity to configure custom configmap for apache httpd.conf and external database secrets
#38 opened by gishh2 - 4
Nominatim Error On the latest image
#24 opened by muslimcodeid - 1
nominatim: Wikipedia importance import step fails
#45 opened by dekzz - 1
nominatim: invalid syntax in Readme exemple
#34 opened by baptisteNehme - 3
- 4
kimai2: add option to override php.ini
#32 opened by macmoritz - 21
Failed to connect to the database
#23 opened by mauriciocirelli - 1
[kimai2] helm update error
#31 opened by clyso-dr - 2
- 10
- 0
Plugin installation reteurns errors
#18 opened by leuchtrakete666 - 7
kimai2 - plugin support planned?
#13 opened by clyso-dr - 9
kimai2 - ldap integration planned?
#11 opened by clyso-dr - 2
kimai2 - NodePort support is missing
#10 opened by clyso-dr - 2
- 3
#3 opened by neerdoc - 4
Deployment to rancher fails
#1 opened by neerdoc