A template-based module to manage /etc/hosts. The main goal for this module is to add entries for localhost and primary address based on existing ip-adresses on existing interfaces. Tested by me on Gentoo, SLES, RedHat, and OS X. But it should work or any Linux and Unix-like OS.
This module unconditionally overwrites your hosts file. You have been warned! There are two reasons that this is template-based.
Currently the default host type don't allow multiple IP for a hostname (not even a IPv4 and a IPv6).
I prefer to manage files with puppet exclusively, or not at all.
class { 'hosts': }
The file to add host entries to.
- Default: '/etc/hosts'
List of IPv4 addresses for localhost. Empty list means no entry.
- Default: [ IPv4 loopback addresses ]
List of IPv6 addresses for localhost. Empty list means no entry.
- Default: [ IPv6 loopback addresses ]
List of names for localhost.
- Default: [ 'localhost' ]
List of IPv4 addresses. Empty list means no entry.
- Default: [ IPv4 addresses (not loopback or multicast) ]
List of IPv6 addresses. Empty list means no entry.
- Default: [ IPv6 addresses (not loopback, multicast, or linklocal) ]
List of names for primary addresses.
Default: [
$::fqdn, $ ::hostname ]
If true, only use the first address from primary_ipv4
- Default: true
If true, only use the first address from primary_ipv6
- Default: true
If false, don't add IPv4 loopback or primary addresses. (IPv4 addresses from hosts::entries is still added)
- Default: true
If false, don't add IPv6 loopback or primary addresses. (IPv6 addresses from hosts::entries is still added)
- Default: true
A list of regexp. If the list is empty all IPv4 addresses are included. If the list is not empty all IPv4 addresses matching any of the regexps are included.
- Default: empty
A list of regexp. If the list is empty all IPv6 addresses are included. If the list is not empty all IPv6 addresses matching any of the regexps are included.
- Default: empty
A list of regexp. Exclude IPv4 addresses that matches any of the regexps.
- Default: empty
A list of regexp. Exclude IPv6 addresses that matches any of the regexps.
- Default: empty
Note that the regexps in include/exclude_ipv4/ipv6 is used to fillter the collected addresses for all interfaces, both loopback and other. Contents explicitly entered by param 'entries' is not filtered at all.
A hash with additional host entries to add. Entries in this hash overrides automatic hostentries for IP's on local interfaces. The content can be either comment => { ip => [ names ], ... } or just ip => [ names ].
- Default: {}
class { 'hosts':
one_primary_ipv4 => false,
one_primary_ipv6 => false,
entries => { '' => [ 'foo.example.org', 'foo' ] }
hosts::one_primary_ipv4: false
hosts::one_primary_ipv6: false
- 'localhost2'
'Foocluster nodes':
- 'node1.example.org'
- 'node1'
- 'node2.example.org'
- 'node2'