ENTR-451 Starter Template for Rails

This is a template used to built the real templates used in class... can always add or remove things as needed.


  • We don't need to send or receive mail
  • We don't need WYSIWYG (Action Text)
  • We don't need async jobs
  • We don't need WebSockets (could change to add Hotwire later)
  • We don't need an asset pipeline – use script tags for things like Bootstrap/Tailwind and the public directory for assets
  • We don't need JavaScript 🤘
  • We don't need Hotwire
  • We don't need JBuilder
  • We don't need tests
  • We don't need Bootsnap

Notes on generating this template

Started with a rails new, ignoring most features based on the assumptions above:

rails new . --skip-action-mailer --skip-action-mailbox --skip-action-text --skip-active-job --skip-action-cable --skip-asset-pipeline --skip-javascript --skip-hotwire --skip-jbuilder --skip-test --skip-system-test --skip-bootsnap


  • Add a .gitpod.yml file, so that it runs bundle install upon initial opening of workspace
  • Strips to bare-minimum Gemfile (Rails 7 default based on the above generator is already pretty good)
  • Modify development.rb to allow development hosts and to remove helpers, asset pipeline, and test framework
  • Modify application.rb to disable belongs_to validation and to disable strong parameters (yes, mass-assignment is bad but learning is hard)
  • Add public/stylesheets/application.css
  • DO NOT ignore development.sqlite3 back to ignoring it... because template repos are created on top of template repos, this gets hairy

Getting Started

  1. Copy from template
  2. Open copied repository in Gitpod (or IDE of choice)
  3. Make any desired changes to db/migrate/*_create_users.rb migration file
  4. Run rails db:setup to create database and add users table