

Run RabbitMQ in a Docker container

docker run -d --name local-rabbit -p 5672:5672 -p 5673:5673 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

Example 1: Basic Publishing and Consuming

To run the producer, open a command prompt at the root and execute this command:

dotnet run --project ./Producer01/Producer01.csproj

To run a consumer, open a command prompt at the root and execute this command:

dotnet run --project ./Consumer01/Consumer01.csproj -- Queue0:Key0

After running one or both commands, navigate to http://localhost:15672, use the default credentials guest/guest and navigate to the queues tab. You should have a single queue named Queue0 that is bound to an exchange called Example01_Exchange with routing key Key0.

To produce messages, open the command prompt window that is running the producer and enter a message in this format

--Message <string> --Delay <int> --RoutingKey <string>

<string> should be replaced with a string message, <int> should be replaced with a positive integer that represents the total number of seconds that the conumser should simulate "doing work" and the final <string> should be replaced with the names of one of the queues that was provided when starting the consumer. For example, entering this:

--Message Hello, World --Delay 10 --RoutingKey Key0

You will see the message being handled by the consumer.