
Generate cross stitch style images.

Primary LanguagePython


Introduction / Background

This is a program that can be used to generate an image that sort of looks like a cross-stitch pattern. Depending on how poor your eyesight is, it may appear to function correctly. I wrote it to use in my Text Me, Troll Me project (to be put online when it's closer to completion). The idea is based on Andrew Kleindolph's sms-cross-stitch project, although his project is much nicer looking.

The patterns/ directory contains patterns that you can throw together to create your own image. All of the non-letter images came from the ASCII Art Archive. I saved the original in a file called shape_name.txt, and the modified ones for use by my program in shape_name.xsp. Mostly, I just removed author initials, but I also did some minor re-shaping with some of them.

I generated all of the letter patterns using the figlet program and the banner3 font with this bash command:

for letter in `echo {A..Z}`; do figlet -f banner3.flf $letter > $letter.xsp; done


To create the virtual environment and install the required packages, run the ./create.sh script.

The script takes four parameters, with an optional fifth:

  1. Width of the image
  2. Height of the image
  3. Number of steps (stitches) across the image
  4. Message to display
  5. Input image filename (chosen at random if blank)

For example, this command ould produce the following image:

$ python main.py 800 300 200 "the ivory trade sucks" --input_filename patterns/baby_elephant.xsp

example output