A SalesForce Package that works using the Laravel Eloquent Model structure.
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Issue with config/Misleading comments
#118 opened by ashler2 - 1
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Question about attribute casting
#114 opened by blorange2 - 1
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Uploading files to objects
#108 opened by blorange2 - 5
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Sync Existing Records to Local Salesforce Table?
#104 opened by jsznap - 1
pull token from DB and use it
#105 opened by Arametheus - 1
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Date Columns Auto-Inclusion Issue in EloquentSalesForce 2.15 - 'No Such Column 'CreatedDate' on Entity
#103 opened by bilelbekkouche - 2
prepare() on null when massive update
#102 opened by Engveloper - 1
How to set the "Sforce-Auto-Assign" header.
#99 opened by danielpetrica - 1
Issue implement in Laravel 10
#101 opened by Arametheus - 1
Bug when concatenating timestamp fields
#93 opened by IdrisN - 2
Authentication - Object Storage
#48 opened by ryantbrown - 1
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Updating a record throws an exception
#86 opened by stzahi - 0
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Errors when running Model::save() in a scheduled job Omniphx\Forrest\Exceptions\MissingVersionException and Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException The payload is invalid.
#90 opened by mthorsdal - 2
Support Laravel 10
#91 opened by wit3 - 1
Objects don't seem to be fillable
#52 opened by blorange2 - 0
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How to create shift
#87 opened by bipadtarankumar3 - 2
"whereHas" feature
#83 opened by Clovelock - 8
Please add Laravel 9 support
#84 opened by stzahi - 1
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Eloquent cursor method not jiving with the onlyTrashed and withTrashed method calls
#79 opened by nickturrietta - 0
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Impossible to connect with UserPassword
#66 opened by franz177 - 5
Trouble with the Query Builder, order of where clauses, and the resulting query parameters
#75 opened by nickturrietta - 11
#67 opened by mthorsdal - 5
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Job dispatching wrapper for SFDC jobs
#73 opened by roblesterjr04 - 5
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Is it possible to use model observers?
#51 opened by blorange2 - 1
Add support for mass delete
#64 opened by stzahi - 22
Value of filter criterion for field must be of type string and should be enclosed in quotes
#68 opened by axsweet - 8
SObjects::update() method collection chunk is still hardcoded to 200 items?
#70 opened by bladeodessa - 2
ErrorException Declaration of Lester\EloquentSalesForce\Database\SOQLBatch::push($builder) should be compatible with Illuminate\Support\Collection::push(...$values)
#44 opened by rivara - 2
Bump Guzzle
#57 opened by mikebrandl - 1
ExceptionError: Declaration of Lester\EloquentSalesForce\Database\SOQLHasOneOrMany::getRelationCountHash() should be compatible with Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation::getRelationCountHash($incrementJoinCount = true)
#61 opened by szhorvath - 0
Attach documents to Salesforce
#47 opened by HoudaBM - 2
How do you do Many To Many Relationship
#45 opened by szhorvath - 1
Laravel 7?
#56 opened by stzahi - 1
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Configuration path
#46 opened by rivara