
My .vim dir

Primary LanguageVim Script

Rob's Dot Vim Folder

This is a repo for all of my vim settings and plugin setup. Couple notes that might be helpful when installing this on a new system:

After cloning the repo into your .vim directory, create a softlink from your home directory into .vim

ln -s ~/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc

Install Vim-Plug

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

Run Vim-Plug

vi +PlugInstall +qa


Add single line files in your home directory that point to the real vimrc files.

echo "source ~/.vim/.vimrc" >> ~/_vimrc && echo "source ~/.vim/_winvimrc" >> ~/_gvimrc

Copy ftplugin, colors, after files into {Program Files}/vim/vimfiles/

from Babun

from Git Bash