
Hello World GraphQL server in Go and Relay motha fuckaaaaaaaaaa

Primary LanguageGo

Hello Go (World)

An example Golang server that uses GraphQL and Relay.


Useful Links

How to run Hello Go locally:

  1. Make sure you have go installed.

  2. Make sure you have GOPATH set to the directory where this project is installed:

$ export GOPATH=`pwd`
  1. Run the app:
$ go run main.go

cURL Examples

$ curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/graphql -H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' -d 'query Root{ hello }'

Docker How To

How to do stuff with Docker.

Docker Build

$ docker build -t hello_go .

Docker Run

$ docker run --publish 3000:3000 --name hello_go --rm hello_go

Docker Stop

$ docker stop hello_go