Home Assistant custom component for using Deepstack object detection
- 6
False positive with already there object
#275 opened by thib5 - 1
- 2
Is it possible to run deepstack using my custom model in frigate container.
#269 opened by AnishDeepak - 0
Demo gallery-card
#270 opened by robmarkcole - 3
Timestamp / picture time issue
#236 opened by jeangot - 2
Retrying to exclude false positives
#265 opened by grinco - 1
Separate ROI (region of interest) configuration for each object in Home Assistant
#266 opened by mmatesic01 - 2
deepstack_object_camera entity not available
#267 opened by aceonce - 7
KeyError: 'predictions'
#240 opened by ruangdet-p - 5
- 1
Get information about "unsuccessfull" image scan
#258 opened by osulivanDE - 1
docker error on running in jetson xavier nx
#259 opened by VikaashBalaji - 1
implements device_state_attributes
#260 opened by allanpersson - 2
Component looks to be writing to two locations
#257 opened by robbrad - 7
- 0
could not find in HACS integration
#254 opened by diamondbarcode - 1
- 2
Deepstack Instance Behind Reverse Proxy (HTTPS)
#217 opened by n8detar - 0
Is Deepstack reading frame from camera from "stream_source:" or still_image_url:"?
#250 opened by mmatesic01 - 3
- 8
Unable to find referenced entities camera.xxxx
#248 opened by tonfa80 - 1
- 2
Outdated custom components and integrations might break in Home Assistant Core 2021.6
#245 opened by calleman - 2
- 3
Timestamped filename ends with _None
#243 opened by sylarevan - 0
- 3
Feature request: Fire Event Data Scan Completed
#235 opened by tuanha2000vn - 2
No version key in Manifest
#232 opened by RicoRehn - 1
- 3
Feature proposal: Support object min/max size
#209 opened by robmarkcole - 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
Memory leak.
#226 opened by 7thstorm - 1
save all detected images?
#225 opened by norbertjoni - 0
Implement png as optional file format
#221 opened by robmarkcole - 0
Reference video
#219 opened by robmarkcole - 2
- 1
Add version
#212 opened by robmarkcole - 0
Ensure targets always appear in Summary attribute
#216 opened by robmarkcole - 2
Add cloud_backup option
#202 opened by robmarkcole - 0
provide an automation blueprint for the folder_watcher + S3 to backup images
#215 opened by robmarkcole - 1
Add save_json_records option
#203 opened by robmarkcole - 1
Resizing image before processing
#211 opened by robmarkcole - 1
Not an issue: Question/Inspiration
#210 opened by greberg - 3
Installation instructions incomplete?
#207 opened by mjmare - 2
Summary of targets
#205 opened by RicoRehn - 1
ROI Person/car count
#200 opened by renjithstalin - 4
Invalid config for [image_processing.deepstack_object]: expected a dictionary @ data['targets'][0]
#199 opened by CarpeDiemRo - 3
Default target not respected
#195 opened by danbayliss