Custom component for displaying the size of a files. Discussion on this thread.
There are quite a few posts where people want to know the size of a file, for example their HA database file. This custom component creates sensors which displays the size of a files in MB. The configured file path, the time the file was last updated, and the file size in bytes, are all available via the sensor attributes.
Place the custom_components folder in your configuration directory (or add its contents to an existing custom_components folder). Note that folder paths must be added to whitelist_external_dirs. Add absolute paths to your config following:
# On Mac
- /Users/robincole/.homeassistant/
- platform: filesize
- /Users/username/.homeassistant/home-assistant_v2.db
- /Users/username/.homeassistant/home-assistant.log
# On Hassio or Docker (e.g. on a Synology NAS)
- platform: filesize
- /config/home-assistant_v2.db