
Run AWS Lambda function on local machine

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Run lambda function on local machine

Prepare development environment

Please use a newly created virtualenv of Python 2.7 or Python 3.6 .


Within virtualenv, run the following command.

$ pip install python-lambda-local

This will install the package with name python-lambda-local in the virtualenv. Now you can use the command python-lambda-local to run your AWS Lambda function written in Python on your own machine.


Run python-lambda-local -h to see the help.

usage: python-lambda-local [-h] [-l LIBRARY_PATH] [-f HANDLER_FUNCTION]
                           [-t TIMEOUT] [-a ARN_STRING] [-v VERSION_NAME]
                           FILE EVENT

Run AWS Lambda function written in Python on local machine.

positional arguments:
  FILE                  lambda function file name
  EVENT                 event data file name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        path of 3rd party libraries
                        lambda function handler name, default: "handler"
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        seconds until lambda function timeout, default: 3
  -a ARN_STRING, --arn-string ARN_STRING
                        ARN string for lambda function
  -v VERSION_NAME, --version-name VERSION_NAME
                        lambda function version name
  --version             print the version of python-lambda-local and exit

Prepare development directory

Project directory structure

Suppose your project directory is like this:

├── event.json
├── lib
│   ├── rx
│   │   ├── abstractobserver.py
│   │   ├── ... (package content of rx)
│   │       └── testscheduler.py
│   └── Rx-1.2.3.dist-info
│       ├── DESCRIPTION.rst
│       ├── METADATA
│       ├── metadata.json
│       ├── pbr.json
│       ├── RECORD
│       ├── top_level.txt
│       ├── WHEEL
│       └── zip-safe
└── test.py

The handler's code is in test.py and the function name of the handler is handler. The source depends on 3rd party library rx and it is installed in the directory lib. The test event in json format is in event.json file.

Content of test.py:

from __future__ import print_function
from rx import Observable

def handler(event, context):
    xs = Observable.from_(range(event['answer']))
    ys = xs.to_blocking()
    zs = (x*x for x in ys if x % 7 == 0)
    for x in zs:

Content of event.json:

  "answer": 42

Run the lambda function

Within the project root directory, you can run the lambda function with the following command

python-lambda-local -l lib/ -f handler -t 5 test.py event.json

The output will be like:

[root - INFO - 2017-04-19 12:39:05,512] Event: {u'answer': 42}
[root - INFO - 2017-04-19 12:39:05,512] START RequestId: b918f9ae-0ca1-44af-9937-dd5f9eeedcc1
[root - INFO - 2017-04-19 12:39:05,515] END RequestId: b918f9ae-0ca1-44af-9937-dd5f9eeedcc1
[root - INFO - 2017-04-19 12:39:05,515] RESULT:
[root - INFO - 2017-04-19 12:39:05,515] REPORT RequestId: b918f9ae-0ca1-44af-9937-dd5f9eeedcc1	Duration: 2.27 ms