
New application to locate geotagged YouTube videos on a map

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CK360 -New Application to locate Geotagged Videos

Search YouTube for geographically tagged videos by location, topic, or channel. Videos are viewable in a map and exportabled to CSV.


What's unique about this tool? How can you use it?

  1. Find cool videos where you live or anywhere in the world!
    • What videos were posted by you in the last week? (find me, past 7 days)
    • What livestreams are running now in my state/country? (find me, radius 500 or 1000, live events only)
  2. Use it for investigative purposes, OSINT.
    • Channel searching allows you to check all the uploads on a channel for geotags and displays them in a map.
    • Topic searching allows you to check if any uploads found by regular searching or keywords have geotags (though, not many do).
    • Location searching allows you to find videos with geotags within your chosen radius and timeframe.
    • Export results to save your findings and use elsewhere.
    • Results can be directly opened in my YouTube Metadata tool to give all details about that video and its author.
  3. Query API to share a search or linked custom search from your own site/tool

Query API

Refer to the wiki for more detail about the Query API.


Refer to BUILD.md for instructions on how to build and run youtube-geofind from source.


Contributions are welcome, refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more detail.