
A demo of basic Redux usage including a simple API call.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Redux

Create application using data from https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest


  • Initially there should be a button. Data is fetched when the button is clicked
  • "Loading" message/UI component should be shown while data is fetched
  • Error modal should be shown when data fetch fails
  • Application parts should be tested
  • React framework
  • Application state management using Redux or GraphQL client-side framework
  • Pagination and styling is not necessary, table of exchange rates will be good enough
  • Code should be persisted in Git and shared using Git bundle or pushed to some remote repository


  • npm install
  • npm run build
  • open /build/index.hml in a browser

NOTE: Build output has been committed to the repository for demonstration purposes (to show what the expected output looks like). In real-life the contents of /build would be omitted through .gitignore.

Folder Structure

The following structure is overkill for this small of an application, but I've included it for demonstration's sake. This provides a good set of buckets to begin to grow the application from scratch up until it reaches the point where a larger, more sophisticated and complex, structure would be warranted.

/assets - static assets like html, images, fonts, etc.
  index.html - main application starting point
/src - react application code
  /actions - redux action creators
  /components - dumb/stateless components
  /containers - smart/state-aware components
  /constants - config/global values
  /helpers - utility/helper modules
  /middleware - in-between action=>reducer functions
  /reducers - redux store
  index.js - main React application
/tests - test scripts
/build - target for automated build processes

Example Data

Sample output from https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest

  "rates": {
    "CAD": 1.4561,
    "HKD": 8.6372,
    "ISK": 137.7,
    "PHP": 55.809,
    "DKK": 7.4727,
    "HUF": 333.37,
    "CZK": 25.486,
    "AUD": 1.6065,
    "RON": 4.7638,
    "SEK": 10.7025,
    "IDR": 15463.05,
    "INR": 78.652,
    "BRL": 4.5583,
    "RUB": 70.4653,
    "HRK": 7.4345,
    "JPY": 120.72    
  "base": "EUR",
  "date": "2019-11-08"


npm test

Tests are using Jest and Enzyme as the main frameworks. Babel packages have been installed to enable the test environment to load ES6 modules.


I built a utilitiy library called Soko that I've used to transpile JS and build assets. It uses Browserify with Babel to handle ES6 syntax. This could alternatively have been replaced with Webpack. I enjoy CLI scripts that I can integrate with package.json using npx as I think it makes configuration a bit cleaner and keeps everything in one place.