
A quick Laravel Demo using Bref.sh and testing the various AWS services

Primary LanguagePHP


A test project to see how Bref.sh works with Laravel.

View Serverless Deployment

You can view the serverless deployment at https://bref-demo-dev.robmellett.dev/

Can you can view the deployment with the following command.

serverless info

Which will output the following information.

Running "serverless" from node_modules
service: bref-demo
stage: dev
region: ap-southeast-2
stack: bref-demo-dev
endpoint: ANY - https://*********.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com
  web: bref-demo-dev-web
  artisan: bref-demo-dev-artisan
  jobsWorker: bref-demo-dev-jobsWorker
  url: https://bref-demo-dev.robmellett.dev
  cname: d2jlrzo11fcm59.cloudfront.net
jobs: https://sqs.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/*********/bref-demo-dev-jobs

Testing the Web Lambda

You can view the web lambda at https://bref-demo.robmellett.dev/.

Testing the CLI Lambda

You can test the artisan lambda with the following command.

serverless bref:-a "inspire"

Testing the database

If you are using Postgres, make sure to copy the php/conf.d/php.ini file.

serverless bref:cli -a "check:database"

Testing the SQS Queue

Test the queue with the following command:

serverless bref:cli -a "check:queue"

Testing the Mail Driver

serverless bref:cli -a "check:queue"

Testing the Cache Driver

View the cache route, and you should see the current server time. Refresh a few seconds later and cached variable should be in the past.

Checking S3 Filesystem

serverless bref:cli -a "check-s3"


Install the following packages:

composer require bref/bref bref/laravel-bridge --update-with-dependencies

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=serverless-config

Adding Secrets to the Serverless Environment

aws ssm put-parameter --region ap-southeast-2 --name '/bref-demo-dev/my-parameter' --type String --value 'mysecretvalue'

Configuring Assets

aws ssm put-parameter --region ap-southeast-2 --name '/bref-demo-dev/MIX_ASSET_URL' --type String --value '"https://<bucket-name>.s3.amazonaws.com'"`


Make sure the following variables are set within GitHub Action Secrets.


Creating the Domain Name (legacy)

This is no longer required since the serverless-lift plugin is installed.

npm install serverless-domain-manager --save-dev
# serverless.yml

    domainName: service-name.robmellett.dev
    basePath: ''
    stage: ${self:provider.stage}
    createRoute53Record: false
    endpointType: 'regional'
    securityPolicy: tls_1_2
    apiType: http
    region: ${self:provider.region}

Create the Serverless Domain with the following command.

sls create_domain