
A legal map of the world.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Legal Map

The legal map is an effort to map the often confusing, contradictory and convoluted world of international law, answering questions like "who's a signatory of this treaty?" or "which countries still use the death penalty?".

It can be viewed online at legalmap.robm.me.uk.

The legal knowledge was assembled and painstakingly converted to JSON format by Gillian McCall; the site was coded by Rob Miller.


The legal map is an open source project, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

If you've got ideas or corrections, open an issue here.

If you're happy digging into the code, you can contribute by forking this repository and making changes; if you'd like them including in the canonical site, then open a pull request and we'll see about including them.