
The Services Layer component of the foundation template used to build Flutter projects.

Primary LanguageDart

Services Module


The Foundation template is divided into several modules. This helps separate concerns and makes it easier to manage the codebase.

This is the Services Module from the Foundation, which outlines services and functionalities for data handling. It's designed to comply with the patterns specified in the _service_interfaces module, to promote a structured framework.

It comprises of the following:

  • Data Services: Services related to specific data models.
  • Data Utils: Utilities related to specific data models or services.
  • Service Brokers: Brokers that enable interaction with specified back-end services in a generic manner.
  • Service Environments: Classes that act as containers for sets of essential cloud services such as the FirebaseServiceEnvironemnt.
  • System Services: Services that utilize system resources, such as location.


  • Rename _services-foundation to _services before using it in your project.
  • Services are modular, reusable, and interchangeable classes that interact with various resources (e.g., data models, system resources, cloud services) in a generic manner.