Simulator and Cycle counter for PIC Enhanced midrange core processors
Support for PIC Enhanced Midrange core such as the PIC 16F1826. Mostly used for cycle counting as the bloated and cumbersome MPLAB X is terrible overkill for this task.
Includes a mini assembler that allows a partial symbolic representation. Mostly useful for writing test cases vs real coding. assembler function takes decoder object, source code and register name dictionary
Assembly format:
[symbol] [instruction [arg, arg, ...]]
symbol if present must start in column 1. arg values may be symbols or predefined register or bit names (STATUS, BSR, GIE, etc) or destination flags (F or W). Case is ignored. Numeric values assume decimal radix.
macro instructions: ORG - defines value of pc: org 0x004 EQU - defines a symbolic constant: x equ 0x20
symbol when not part of an EQU macro defines symbolic constant for current pc. May preface machine instruction, ORG macro or by itself
x equ 0x20
reset org 0x0000
clrf STATUS, f
org 0x0004
movlw 0x23
movwf x
addwf x,w
goto loop