Various tools used to run donkey and race
- wpa_supplicant.conf This is a sample to use when flashing donkey micro sdcard to gain access to Winet or your favorite Wifi hotspot
Note : GUESTR is the public HotSpot that can be used in Le Cristallin (if you attend to the Meetup) to connect your Donkey Cars. Since this is a WiFi network managed by a captive portal, if you need to connect your donkey to Internet, you will need :
- a set of credential (delivered by Staff),
- a browser (command line like elinks or if your donkey has a Desktop environement, FF or Chrome) to trigger portal and provide credential
Local network connectivity (for example, SSHG from your laptop to your Donkey car) remains usable even if the credential are not provided through the portal.
This script can help you to guess the IP address of your Donkey. It will sent at startup your IP address to a Slack channel.
(change the
<your Slack weebhook URL>
in ther script by your how Webhook)
To run the ip2slack script at startup, edit crontab table
crontab -e
@reboot /home/pi/
- A simple script to broadcast emergency stop signal (network must accept local broadcast)
- A script to connect and stream video from a YI 2K Action Camera to a VLC, VLC being launched to display AND record video stream
Data visualisation and model Data visualisation and model training.ipynb A Jupyter notebook to analyse data, run training and prediction