
Primary LanguageC++


Robot soccer simulator based on FiraSim and GrSim.

Simulates games from LARC Very Small Size and RoboCup Small Size leagues.

Installing from PyPi

$pip install rc-robosim

Currently wheels are distributed to manylinux2010 for python 3.7-3.10. If your environment does not have available wheels it will download from source and attempt to build it, which will require having ODE version 0.16.2 library installed with libccd collisions

Installing from source

$git clone [this repo]
$cd rSim
$pip install .

This will also require having ODE 0.16.2 with libccd installed

Usage VSS simulator

import robosim

field_type = 0  # 0 for Division B, 1 for Division A
n_robots_blue = 2  # number of blue robots
n_robots_yellow = 2  # number of yellow robots
time_step_ms = 25  # time step in milliseconds
# ball initial position [x, y, v_x, v_y] in meters and meter/s
ball_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# robots initial positions [[x, y, angle], [x, y, angle]...], where [[id_0], [id_1]...]
# Units are meters and degrees
blue_robots_pos = [[-0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
yellow_robots_pos = [[0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]

# Init simulator
sim = robosim.VSS(

# Get dictionary with field parameters
field_params = sim.get_field_params()

# Get simulator state
# Units are meters, meters/s, degrees
# states is [ball_x, ball_y, ball_z, ball_v_x, ball_v_y,
#           blue_0_x, blue_0_y, blue_0_angle, blue_0_v_x, blue_0_v_y, blue_0_v_angle,
#           blue_1_x,...
#           yellow_0_x, yellow_0_y, yellow_0_angle, yellow_0_v_x, yellow_0_v_y, yellow_0_v_angle,
#           yellow_1_x,...]

# Step simulator
# arguments are actions to robots starting from blue robos and increasing ids
# e.g. [[blue_id_0.left_wheel_speed, blue_id_0.right_wheel_speed],
#       [blue_id_1.left_wheel_speed, blue_id_1.right_wheel_speed],
#       [yellow_id_0.left_wheel_speed, yellow_id_0.right_wheel_speed],
#       [yellow_id_1.left_wheel_speed, yellow_id_1.right_wheel_speed]]
# Units are in rad/s
sim.step([[10.0, -10.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]])

# Reset simulator, ball and robots are positioned with same argument format as init
sim.reset(ball_pos, blue_robots_pos, yellow_robots_pos)

Usage SSL simulator

import robosim

field_type = 2  # 0 for Division A, 1 for Division B, 2 Hardware Challenges
n_robots_blue = 2  # number of blue robots
n_robots_yellow = 2  # number of yellow robots
time_step_ms = 25  # time step in milliseconds
# ball initial position [x, y, v_x, v_y] in meters and meter/s
ball_pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# robots initial positions [[x, y, angle], [x, y, angle]...], where [[id_0], [id_1]...]
# Units are meters and degrees
blue_robots_pos = [[-0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]
yellow_robots_pos = [[0.2, 0.0, 0.0], [0.4, 0.0, 0.0]]

# Init simulator
sim = robosim.SSL(

# Get dictionary with field parameters
field_params = sim.get_field_params()

# Get simulator state
# Units are meters, meters/s, degrees
# states is [ball_x, ball_y, ball_z, ball_v_x, ball_v_y,
#           blue_0_x, blue_0_y, blue_0_angle, blue_0_v_x, blue_0_v_y, blue_0_v_angle,
#           blue_0_infrared, blue_0_desired_wheel0_speed, blue_0_desired_wheel1_speed,
#           blue_0_desired_wheel2_speed, blue_0_desired_wheel3_speed, ...]

# Step simulator
# arguments are actions to robots starting from blue robos and increasing ids
# e.g. [
#       [blue_id_0.has_v_wheel,
#       blue_id_0.wheel_0_speed or v_x, blue_id_0.wheel_1_speed or v_y, blue_id_0.wheel_2_speed or v_angle, blue_id_0.wheel_3_speed,
#       blue_id_0.kick_v_x, blue_id_0.kick_v_y, blue_id_0.dribbler
#       ],
#       ...],
# Units are in rad/s, meters and meters/s and boolean
actions: List[List[float]] = [
    [0.0 for _ in range(6)] for _ in range(n_robots_blue + n_robots_yellow)

# Reset simulator, ball and robots are positioned with same argument format as init
sim.reset(ball_pos, blue_robots_pos, yellow_robots_pos)