
Scenario editor

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Having a scenario editor would be a great feature to have, and particularly good for contributors who are not very familiar with the project.

The idea would be to have a UI similar to the one used to generate the dataset, but with additional widgets to add people, objects, walls and interactions.

Very much interested in the project. I would like to work on this issue. Can you give a bit more guidance on how to get started?

Hello @sawar7577 . I have added the supporting code that will be needed for the scenario editor in the scenario_ editor directory. You could go through the code here. You will need to read up about Qt and how you can use it to start working on the manual scenario editor. For more specific doubts you can drop in on the gitter channels of robocomp and get help.
Thank you for your interest in this project.

Thanks for the help

No problem. I would suggest starting with a very basic prototype.