This example robot demonstrates how to parse, query, and modify XML using Robot Framework.
Some of the things you can do include:
- Parse an XML file
- Get elements from XML by XPath
- Get elements from XML by element value
- Get elements from XML by attribute value
- Get element children from XML by XPath
- Access XML element object attributes
- Get attribute values from XML by XPath
- Get named attribute value from XML by XPath
- Save XML to a file
- Remove elements from XML by XPath
- Remove element attributes from XML by XPath
- Set XML element attribute value
- Add attribute to XML element by XPath
- Transform XML using XSLT
See the XML library documentation for more examples and a complete list of keywords.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<robot id="MK-I">
<price currency="USD">1000</price>
<power-source type="solar"/>
<power-source type="lithium-ion-battery"/>
<power type="coal"/>
<dimension type="weight" unit="kg" value="160"/>
<dimension type="height" unit="cm" value="240"/>
<dimension type="width" unit="cm" value="300"/>
<dimension type="length" unit="cm" value="150"/>
<robot id="MK-II">
<price currency="USD">2000</price>
<nick-name>Quad Arms</nick-name>
<power-source type="hamster"/>
<power type="steam"/>
<dimension type="weight" unit="kg" value="40"/>
<dimension type="height" unit="cm" value="100"/>
<dimension type="width" unit="cm" value="60"/>
<dimension type="length" unit="cm" value="70"/>
<robot id="MK-III">
<price currency="USD">50000</price>
<nick-name>Eye Spy With Ten Little Eyes</nick-name>
<power-source type="solar"/>
<dimension type="weight" unit="kg" value="5"/>
<dimension type="height" unit="cm" value="30"/>
<dimension type="width" unit="cm" value="40"/>
<dimension type="length" unit="cm" value="80"/>