
Code repo for BBC Basic programs written for the Agon Light

Primary LanguageBASICMIT LicenseMIT


Code repo for BBC Basic programs written for the Agon Light and Console8

Just a place to save stuff for now.

I will put individual programs in their own repos if they prove useful.

Sprite editor

sped.bas is a simple sprite editor.

Now moved to it's own repo at https://github.com/robogeek42/agon_sped The last version here is 0.15



Shows all the colours available in MODE8 (and any 64 colour mode)

Alongside my name for the colour - these are approximated from the standard HTML colour names.


Cycle through 32 modes (0-31) printing a hash in the 64 colours.

Primarily to see how the colour codes map in each of the modes.



Vertical scrolling stars in basic using double buffered mode

Bitmap/Sprite tests/investigation

All of these were created to test the Adjust function of the buffered API, however to date I can't get any of them working.


create single colour bitmap, show and attempt adjust


as bitmap.bas but try creating the buffer/bitmap using the buffer API


Create sprite, modify using buffered API


As above but try only using the buffered API functions