

MechaKeys is an integrated typing environment, a collection of interconnected customization tools built around your keyboard and mouse.

Experience a mouse and keyboard sound simulator, live wallpapers and overlays, hotkeys, and an extensible events API, all in one cross-platform app. It's free to use!


Download MechaKeys for Windows Download MechaKeys for Windows Join the MechaKeys Discord


We recommend that you download MechaKeys from the official website at v2.robolab.io. You can also use the badges above to directly download the installer. This GitHub repo solely exists for the distribution of new versions of MechaKeys. Make sure you're always up-to-date for the latest features and improvements.

Discord & Social

Join the MechaKeys Discord to chat with developers, get support, give feedback and ideas, and more! You help shape the future of MechaKeys. We'd love to see you there.

We have a Twitter account where we post updates when they release! Be sure to give us a follow!