
Killer filters to make writing templates simpler

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Killer filters

This is a work-in-progress and is just for personal use at the moment.

This is an Eleventy plugin that provides some killer filters to make writing templates simpler. In particular, Nunjucks is missing filters for dates and working with URLs.


Install the project through npm:

npm install eleventy-plugin-killer-filters --save

Add the plugin to your eleventy config file. Your config file is named .eleventy.js or eleventy.config.js.

// .eleventy.js
const pluginFilters = require("eleventy-plugin-killer-filters");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

You can supply an optional second argument to addPlugin to customize the plugin’s behavior through an options object. See Plugin Configuration Options section for more info.


Name Description More Info Done?
absoluteUrl Convert a relative URL or an absolute path to an absolute URL. Conversion only occurs when eleventy is run in production. Read more
ceil Round a number up. Uses the Math.ceil() method. -
floor Round a number down. Uses the Math.floor() method. -
dateRfc822 Convert a Date into a valid RFC-822 format: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:48:02 +00:00. This format is used in RSS feeds. Read more
dateRfc339 Convert a Date into a valid RFC 3339 format: 2024-01-21T14:48:00+00:00. This format is used in Atom feeds. Read more
dateShort Convert a Date into a short, more readable format: 21 Jan 2024. -
getMostRecentDate Get the most recent date found in date field in a collection. -
group Group an array’s items by a given property. Returns a Map unlike the groupBy nunjucks filter. -
htmlToAbsoluteUrls (async) Transform all of the URLs in a block of HTML with the absoluteUrl filter. Uses posthtml-urls.
trunc Returns the integer part of a number by removing any fractional digits. Uses the Math.trunc() method.


Convert a relative URL or an absolute path to an absolute URL. You must provide the baseurl option as below:

// .eleventy.js
const pluginFilters = require("eleventy-plugin-killer-filters");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginFilters, { baseurl : "https://www.roboleary.net" });

For example when used in a template, the following {{ "/about.html" | absoluteUrl }} will produce "https://www.roboleary.net/about.html".

Conversion only occurs when eleventy is run in production (running with --build flag). If there was access to the local server when running in dev mode (running with --serve flag), I would use this to always produce an absolute URL.


Format a Date to a string that meets the date and time specifications defined by RFC 822. This filter returns a date in the following specific format: Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:48:02 +00:00.

Locale defaults to en-US if no locale has been specified, regardless of the system's locale.

This date format is used for dates in RSS feeds.


Format a Date to a string that meets the Date and Time specifications as defined by RFC 3339.

This filter returns a date in the following format: 2024-01-21T14:48:00+00:00. Other variations can comply with the specification too, of course! The timezone component is fixed as UTC.

This date format is used for all dates in Atom feeds (The Atom Syndication Format).


You can look up Luxon's table of tokens to build a date format string.

Plugin Configuration Options

Use an optional second argument to addPlugin to customize the plugin’s behavior through an options object.

const pluginFilters = require("eleventy-plugin-killer-filters");

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addPlugin(pluginFilters, {
    baseurl: "https://www.11ty.dev",
    posthtmlOptions: {
      closingSingleTag: "default" // opt-out of <img/> style XHTML single tags

The options object can contain the following properties:

  • baseurl: A string representing the base URL to use in cases where a url is relative and is being converted to an absolute url by filters such as absoluteUrl and htmlToAbsoluteUrls.
  • posthtmlOptions: Advanced control of PostHTML options that affect output from the htmlToAbsoluteUrls filter.

Dates in Eleventy

Many date formats in Eleventy assume that the time is midnight in UTC. For example, when a filename is YYYY-MM-DD-myfile.md or the front matter has date: YYYY-MM-DD.

You usually don't need to worry about time zones and offsets. However, if you want to set the time portion of a date, you need to be mindful that the output may vary depending on the timezone of the system that generates your website. Dates are messy in JavaScript because the Date object does not store an explicit timezone, it is stored as timestamp.

If you want the exact same date time available everywhere, it is simplest if you stick with UTC everywhere. Setting the front matter date as date: 2016-05-25T09:24Z ensures this. Note that the letter Z at the end to indicate it is a UTC time.

If you want to format the date for another timezone or offset, I recommend setting the date in front matter with the offset from UTC like this date: 2016-05-25T09:24+0100. You can use any other valid ISO 8601 date that Luxon’s DateTime.fromISO() can parse. This format does not permit a timezone such as "America/New_York".

The default date of a file is the file creation date. Keep this in mind if you are using the date of the file for something!
