
These are my settings for using ESLint and Prettier happily together for a Node environment.

It includes the following:


  1. Install this package, ESLint (peer dependency) and Prettier (peer dependency) as devDependencies with the command npm i --save-dev eslint prettier eslint-config-node-roboleary.

  2. Create an eslint config file in the root of your project directory e.g. .eslintrc. Add the following:

      "extends": ["eslint-config-node-roboleary"]

    Alternatively, you can put a reference to the config in your package.json under the property eslintConfig.

  3. You can add scripts to your package.json to lint, fix, and format your code from the command-line.

    	"scripts": {
    		"lint": "eslint .",
    		"lint:fix": "npm run lint -- --fix",
    		"format": "prettier src test --check",
    		"format:fix": "npm run prettier -- --write",