
Automate updating dynamic content e.g. Table of Contents.

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Marky Dynamic

Automate updating dynamic content in a markdown document e.g. Table of Contents.

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The following commands can be run from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P):

  1. Marky Dynamic: Add/Update the Table of Contents (TOC): Add a Table of Contents (TOC) at the cursor position in the active markdown document. If the TOC exists already, it will be updated.
  2. Marky Dynamic: Remove the Table of Contents (TOC): Remove the TOC from the document. You do not need to select the TOC for this to happen.
  3. Marky Dynamic: Add/Update Heading Bookmarks
  4. Marky Dynamic: Remove Heading Bookmarks
  5. Marky Dynamic: Add/Update Section Numbering
  6. Marky Dynamic: Remove Section Numbering


Marky Dynamic supports open and closed ATX-style headings (the ones that use hashes).

(1) Manage a Table of Contents (TOC)

The command Marky Dynamic: Add/Update the Table of Contents (TOC) will add a table of contents (TOC) at the cursor position in the active markdown document. If the TOC exists already, it will be updated.


  • The setting Marky Markdown › Table of Contents: Level Range determines which headings are included.

  • The setting Marky Markdown › Slugify Style determines how the ID for the links are generated. It excludes the text from bookmark links.

  • Indentation is based on your User Settings (Editor: Insert Spaces, Editor: Tab Size, and Editor: Detect Indentation )

  • The CodeLens entry on the top of the TOC indicates if it is "up-to-date" with the document. You can click this entry to update the TOC.

    Update TOC

  • You can choose to have the TOC update automatically whenever the document is saved by enabling the Marky Markdown › Update On Save option in the Settings.

  • You can choose to add a label to the top of the TOC by editing the Marky Markdown › Table Of Contents: Label option in the Settings.

The command Marky Dynamic: Remove the Table of Contents (TOC) will remove the TOC. You do not need to select the TOC for this to happen.

(2) Manage Heading Bookmarks

It is helpful to readers to have a link in headings for bookmarking different sections of a document for navigation and sharing. You probably have seen this done automatically by GitHub to readme.md files, like in the image below.

heading link

The command Marky Dynamic: Add/Update Heading Bookmarks will add bookmark links to the headings in the active markdown document.

add bookmark link to headings

It does the following:

  • The Marky Markdown › Table of Contents: Level Range determines which headings are included.
  • By default, it will add a link with the text '', this is the infinity character, which looks like a link! In the Settings, you can customise this text (Marky Markdown › Bookmarks: Link Text), or specify an image (Marky Markdown › Bookmarks: Link Image Path). If you provide text and an image, the image will come first.
  • The setting Marky Markdown › Slugify Style determines how the ID for the links are generated. It excludes the text from bookmark links.
  • You can choose to have the bookmarks update automatically whenever the document is saved by enabling the Marky Markdown › Update On Save option in the Settings.

The command Marky Dynamic: Remove Heading Bookmarks will remove the bookmark links from all headings.

(3) Manage Section Numbering

The command Marky Dynamic: Add/Update Section Numbering will add section numbers to the headings of the active markdown document.

It does the following:

  • The Marky Markdown › Section Numbering: Level Range determines which headings are included.

The command Marky Dynamic: Remove Section Numbering will remove the section numbers from all headings.


The extension is only loaded when a markdown file is open. To be more specific, the activation event is onLanguage: markdown.


Name Type Enum Values Default Description
Marky Markdown › Bookmarks: Level Range String "2..6" Select the range of heading levels (from most important to least important) to which bookmarks are managed. For example, the range of '2..6' includes headings from level 2 to level 6.
Marky Markdown › Bookmarks: Link Image Path String "" Add an image to the heading bookmark link. If both text and an image are specified, the image will come first.
Marky Markdown › Bookmarks: Link Text String "∞" Customize the text of the heading bookmark links.
Marky Markdown › Section Numbering: Level Range String "2..6" Select the range of heading levels (from most important to least important) for section numbers to be managed. For example, the range of '2..6' includes headings from level 2 to level 6.
Marky Markdown › Slugify Style String "github", "gitlab" "github" Creates a formatted version of the heading text that can be used as an ID, this is used as a fragment URL in links. Vendors produce slugs that are formatted differently.
Marky Markdown › Table Of Contents: Label String "" Add a label to the top of the Table of Contents.
Marky Markdown › Table of Contents: Level Range String "2..6" Select the range of heading levels (from most important to least important) to which are included in the Table of Contents. For example, the range of '2..6' includes headings from level 2 to level 6.
Marky Markdown › Table of Contents: List Type String "unordered list", "ordered list" "unordered list" The type of list for arranging the Table of Contents
Marky Markdown › Update On Save Boolean false Update the Bookmarks, Table of Contents, and Section Numbers automatically when the document is saved.


If you have a suggestion or find a bug, please file an issue.


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