Malware and in particular botnets needs to send a heart-beat message to their control center to signal they are available. It is very difficult to identify such behaviour for two reasons:
- the period is not always regular e.g. it might differ from a few msec or seconds
- some events could be missing inentionally or non-intentionally (host is down, updating etc. etc.) This python component implements an algorithm from this paper.
Please see the unit test example in test_weblogs for an example on real malware traffic.
# create the object
agcd = AGCD()
# event_seconds is a list of integers (can be seconds or msec)
# compute the histogrm of possible periods
# compute the entropy distribution, default is bit
entropy = agcd.entropy_histogram()
# magic threshold, usually more than 4 bits is good for a high SNR
if entropy > 4.0:
print("Beacon detection for source = {0} and url = {1} with {2} events".format(source, url,len(event_seconds)))
# get the period with more counts
period_estimate = agcd.period_max()
print("Maximum period found p = {0} ".format(period_estimate))
print("Binary entropy = {0:.2f}".format(entropy))
except AGCDException as e:
- Python 3.6 or Python2.7
- requests