
A very lite microservice starter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status semantic-release

Microservice-lite is a very small package for getting started with microservices on node. It covers everything a simple microservice should have.

  1. Having it's own database (mysql, mongo, postgres, redis, and more)
  2. Small footprint
  3. Indepenent deployment
  4. Zero-configuration
  5. Zero-dependency
  6. Auto-discovery, fault toleranct and scalable

This works, thanks to the effort of @dashersw and his wonderful project cote.js and @balderdashy for writing waterline


# for pre-release do npm i -g microservice-lite@next
npm i -g microservice-lite


# for pre-release do yarn global add microservice-lite@next
yarn global add microservice-lite

cli commands

create a project

# creates new project
mslite new sample


# New responder has been created as src/app/foo.responder.js
mslite g responder foo [...othernames]


# New requester has been created as src/app/foo.requester.js
mslite g requester foo [...othernames]

Requesters are global and can be accessed from any location. The above can be accessed as FooRequester globally with the app


# New subscriber has been created as src/app/foo.subscriber.js
mslite g subscriber foo [...othernames]


# New publisher has been created as src/app/foo.publisher.js
mslite g publisher foo [...othernames]

Publishers are global and can be accessed from any location. The above can be accessed as FooPublisher globally with the app


# New model has been created as src/models/foo.js
mslite g model foo [...othernames]

Models are global and can be accessed from any location. The above can be accessed as Foo globally with the app

database and adapters

Each microservice should have it's own database and mslite helps you with that. You could have a different database for each service. Eg mysql, mongodb, pouchdb etc.

By default, each project created with mslite comes with a disk based databased called sails-disk. There are other adapters you can use to have a different database like

  • sails-mysql
  • sails-postgresql
  • sails-mongo
  • sails-redis
  • sails-orientdb
  • sails-filemaker

see here for more info about adapters.

To add a different adapter for your project, simply install the appropriate adapter and make sure you have the database on your current machine as the adapter would try to make connection.

configure adapters

  1. Install required adapter eg.
npm i --save sails-mongo
  1. open config/adapters.js and require intalled adapter, also passing it an object name of your pleasing eg
module.exports = {
'sailsDisk': require('sails-disk'),
'sailsMongo': require('sails-mongo')

You can have any amount of adapters saved here for later use 3. Open config/connections.js create a connection object. Same as above, pass connection object to a name of your pleasing and specify the adapter from any defined in step 1

  module.exports = {
    'diskDb': {
      'adapter': 'sailsDisk'
    myMongodbServer: {
      adapter: 'sailsMongo',//adapter's name, as defined above
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 27017,
      user: 'username', //optional
      password: 'password', //optional
      database: 'your_mongo_db_name_here' //optional
  1. Open cofig/models Tell your models to use the connection you want.
module.exports = {
  'connection': 'myMongodbServer', //change from diskDb
  'migrate': 'alter',
  'schema': true






The goal of the project is to make getting started with a microservice easy and painless, giving you basic features. The following features are on the roadmap

  • CLI for generating necessary files. eg
# generates a db model
mslite g model name [names...]
  • Easy connection to any database with the same api
  • .... got a feature in mind ? create an issue here


This project uses the following to keep things a bit sane around the house

  1. standardjs
  2. validate-commit-msg see http://conventionalcommits.org/
  3. Github flow

and is completly test driven TDD