
Docker orchestration of ROBOpop components

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

Docker orchestration of ROBOpop components

Scripts for running ROBOpop components in docker containers using docker-compose / docker swarm mode.


  1. MacOS: install Docker for Mac
  2. MacOS: install XQuartz (necessary for Ptolemy/silicon coppelia UI in Docker containers running on MacOS) See Wiki for explanation

Setup (recommended steps)

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. If you haven't used docker compose before, run docker swarm init
  3. Run bin/create-local-settings.sh
  4. Edit credentials in epistemics/etc/credentials-local.sh
  5. Run docker/prepare-volume.sh to put default configuration files for the Epistemics component in a Docker volume.


  1. Change to directory robopop
  2. Run ./docker-compose-up.sh

Alternative: Running with Ptolemy GUI

  • If you use MacOS: run ./docker-compose-up.sh -v --gui -d "$(./osx-host.sh):0"
  • If you use Linux: run ./docker-compose-up.sh -v --gui


If you run docker on a Linux system or as Docker for Mac, then the software will be available at:

As well as a REST service for the belief system:

If you run docker in a virtual machine, you may need to replace localhost by the name or IP address of the virtual machine.

The belief system can be exported as a ZIP file using the Belief System Admin web application. This sample file can be imported using the same web application.

The primary way to experiment with these software components is with the Ptolemy framework. See the Project Wiki for more information.