
Hardware reversing and custom firmware for an STM8 and CC1101 based remote.

Primary LanguageC

STM8/CC1101 remote

This repo contains the hardware reversing and custom firmware for an STM8 and CC1101 based remote.






The remote has an STM8L151 MCU and a TI CC1101 sub 1 GHz transceiver. The radio chip has an out of spec 24MHz crystal (instead of a 26 or 27 MHz).


There are 4 testpoints on the top left of the PCB, these can be used to flash the MCU. From left to right they are R (nRST), GND, S (SWIM) and +3V (the battery or 3.3V).



  • The blue LED (LEDB) is not populated on the board.
  • LED can be either LEDB or LEDR depending on how the resistors are populated.
  • The dashed lines mean they are not connected (components are not populated).
  • BTN1 is the top left button, BTN2 is top right, BTN3 is bottom left and BTN4 is bottom right.
  • SPI1 is connected to CC1101.


  • docs/ contains documentation for the chips on the board.
  • sdcc/ contains SDCC. Not part of this repository.
  • src/ contains the source and documentation of the custom firmware for the remote.