
Making a RTS game using TDD

Primary LanguageRust


This project is primarily for learning and practicing things like:

  • Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery
  • Test Driven Development and Behavior Driven Development
  • Domain Driven Design
  • Writing User Stories and Acceptance Criteria

A lot of my thoughts on the design and comparing options are in Notes.md.

I want to make an RTS similar to Age of Mythology. I'm still not sure close the game play will comg to AoM, but it will probably be my default for gameplay choices.

Parts of the Project

One of the reasons I wanted to work on a multiplayer real time strategy game, is that there are a lot of moving parts to worry about. Addtionally, many of these parts have different trade-offs. Things like the game server are pretty well defined, while the rules for the game are pretty loose, and will likely require more iteration.

Game Server

This runs multplayer games, and manager connections between players

Game Client

This is generally the player's interface. It will be capable of running single player games, and connecting to a server for mulitplayer games.

cargo run --bin game


I'm trying out Dagger for CI. It currently runs locally, but I haven't gotten to the point of running in GitHub Actions. It doesn't do any deployment, just CI.