
When I have a part of a keyword on grid editor I need to press Ctrl+Alt+Space to see the Keyword suggestions

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Even though Help on Shortcut keys say that I can either use Ctrl+Space or Alt+Space to get a keyword suggestion/completion, I need to press Ctrl+Alt+Space see that.

RIDE v2.0.8.1 running on Python 3.9.11.
OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.19045 Build 19045

Not a major issue but good to have the help text match the behavior.

@SarathMeep This shortcut has Ctrl+Space the most usual combination across different operating systems, and some systems made it not possible to use. For example, on Mac, it starts the Spotlight app, and Alt+Space was added as an alternative, but is opens some menus in Windows. On other occasions (with Remote Desktop, or VNC), we cannot use those "normal" shortcuts, and the operating system (or managing app), creates that alternative you found, Ctrl+Alt+Space.
I have had complaints that only one of the two shortcuts works (people not knowing the Bool meaning of logical OR).

Maybe you would like to know that in future version of RIDE, v2.1b1, or current development, you can already have autocompletion without the need to use the shortcut, on both editors.