
Command line tool for accessing the REX API with Golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

rx - CLI for REX

Build Status

rx is a command line tool for accessing the REX cloud API. rx is using the gorex GO library.

Make sure that you have a valid API key which can be retrieved from https://rex.robotic-eyes.com.

Compile or download your binary

If you have Go installed on your machine, you can directly build our executable by running:

go build

Setup your config file

You need to create a configuration file in order to run rx properly. Create a new file (e.g. rx.yml) and add the following information:

BaseURL: "https://rex.robotic-eyes.com"
ClientID: "<your-client-id>"
ClientSecret: "<your-client-secret"

Check authentication

To test your settings, you can run the following for getting your user information:

./rx --config rx.yml users --me

If you can see your user details, then the credentials are set properly.

Create a new project

You can create a new project using the interactive shell:

./rx --config rx.yml projects new

The program will ask you several questions and stores the project in the REX cloud. Here is an example output of the interactive session. Please notice, that I am using OpenStreetMap for getting the geo-location (see license notice below). Based on the given address, OpenStreetMap may already propose a proper LAT/LON information.

Once the project is created, rx offers a link on the map, again using OpenStreetMap.

Name                : My first project
AddressLine1        : Stremayrgasse 16
AddressLine2        :
AddressLine3        :
AddressLine4        :
Postcode            : 8010
City                : Graz
Region              :
Country             : AT
OpenStreetMap data

LICENSE notice:    Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https://osm.org/copyright
Geolocation name:  Technische Universität Graz, 16, Stremayrgasse, Schönau, Jakomini, Graz, Steiermark, 8010, Österreich
Geolocation lat:   47.0650332
Geolocation lon:   15.4522326353324

Lat [47.065033]     :
Lon [15.452233]     :
Height [m]          : 350
Northing (0=north, 90=east): 0

Project My first project added successfully!

Map link: https://www.openstreetmap.org?mlat=47.065033&mlon=15.452233#map=17/47.065033/15.452233&layers=N

For further information, please use ./rx --help.