Final project for Microcontrollers with Lab course
In order to run the code, you need to install the following library to
the arduino board:
After you installed it, upload src/arduino.ino to the arduino board.
You also need to change your file path inside src/*.py files to where
the src/arduino_data.txt file located
Run src/ using Python 3.3 with pySerial library installed.
In Blender, create 2 default objects: Cube and Cone.
Run src/ inside Blender Python environment.
You can find docs (presendation and report) in docs/ folder.
You can find demo on YouTube:
Done by: Aidarbek Suleimenov, Assiya Khuzyakhmetova, Aishabibi Adambek, Arman Sabyrov, Adilet Tuleuov