This program fetches data from "" and its RSS feed.
It creates a MySQL database named "delfi_db" with four tables: pm_topnews, delfi_rss, delfi_topnews and delfi_mostreadnews.
delfi_rss table is filled with new entries from delfi's RSS feed: their publishing date, rss channel (category), article headline and URL. Table is updated every 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
delfi_topnews table takes data from the "" HTML page. The top news (first 8-10 articles on top of the page) are inserted to the table in their respective order. The table is updated every 900 seconds (15 minutes).
delfi_mostreadnews table also takes data from the HTML page. There is a section there with 8 currently most popular (most read) articles. Format is the same as delfi_topnews.
pm_topnews for Postimees topnews data
This API has four endpoints: /pm_topnews, /delfi_rss, /delfi_topnews and /delfi_mostreadnews, which returns a JSON dump of the current state of the respective MySQL table.
Environment variables:
'APP_PORT': 80 is default.
- docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:tag (starts a mysql server instance)
- docker run --name some-app --link some-mysql:mysql_host -d -e SQL_HOST=mysql_host application-that-uses-mysql