
Quick Ledger entry

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Entry creation utility for ledger.


  1. Download the archive
  2. Run chmod +x ql
  3. Move ql to /usr/local/bin/ or somewhere else in $PATH

Configuration File

ql keeps all data in $HOME/.qlrc


The ledger_file section under [file] is created automatically during the first run wizard.


Optional account section can be used to create a nickname for accounts. When specifying an account either via -a/--account or interactively, ql will attempt to match the entry with the nicknames in this section. If no match is found the literal input will be used. The default_account should be set to the nickname of the desired default account.

[merchant] & [category]

The optional merchant and category section can be used to create nicknames and default categories for merchants. When specifying the merchant with either The ~/.qlrc file can be manually edited to include [merchant] nicknames. Additionally, adding a [category] section will use the matching category for that merchant nickname.

Sample ~/.qlrc

$> cat ~/.qlrc  
ledger_file = /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat  
default_account = cheq 
cheq = Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing  
save = Assets:MyCreditUnion:Savings  
sm = Supermercado del Sol
gas = Joe's Fuel

sm = Expenses:Groceries  
gas = Expenses:Auto:Fuel  


ql requires an account, a merchant name, a category, and an amount at minimum. The date will always be set to today if no date option is selected. If any required information is missing from the command line, ql will enter interactive mode and prompt the user for the missing data.

Only one of -e/--expense or -c/--category is needed. The -e/--expense option will prepend Expenses: to the category name to save you typing. In interactive mode Expenses is prepended automatically as well.

Similarly, only one of -d/--date or -r/--rdate is needed. The -d/--date option takes a YYYY-MM-DD formatted date to use as the transaction date. -r/--rdate will use today's date and then offset the provided whole positive or negative integer. A positive value goes backward and a negative value goes forward. Ie. 1 is yesterday and -1 is tomorrow.

The -s/--split option will take the -t amount as the total (or prompt for one) and prompt through splitting the transaction between multiple categories (see example). ql does its best to make sure the transaction will balance and will add the total as a negative balance which will cause an error in Ledger if the amounts do not reconcile. Entering a 0 for any of the splits will use the remainder of the balance.

The -x/--not-cleared option will use a ! instead of * between the date and the merchant as per the Ledger documentation to mark the transaction as not cleared. Please see Ledger documentation on how this works. Note: You will need to manually edit your ledger.dat file to mark it as cleared. Re-running ql without the -x will not mark the transaction as cleared-- it will only add an additional entry for the same amount.


Everyone loves examples.

Interactive Mode

Running ql with no options will enter an interactive mode.

$> ql
Merchant name:
        Supermercardo del Sol
Amount: $40.21

Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:
2016-02-01 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Food:Groceries                 $40.21

Using Arguments

The same transaction as above, but using arguments instead of interactive. Both lines are equivalent using the long and short version of the arguments.

$> ql --merchant "Supermercado del Sol" --expense "Food:Groceries" --amount 40.21
$> ql -m "Supermercado del Sol" -e "Food:Groceries" -t 40.21
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:
2016-02-01 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Food:Groceries                 $40.21

Using Nicknames

The above sample .qlrc file is used for the next example.

$> ql -m sm -t 40.21
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:
2016-02-01 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Food:Groceries                 $40.21


Relative date:
(Current date in example is 2016-02-01)

$> ql -m sm -t 40.21 -r 1
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:
2016-01-31 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Food:Groceries                 $40.21

Manual date:

$> ql -m "Bob's Groceries" -e "Food:Groceries" -t 40.21 -d 2016-01-15
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:
2016-01-15 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Food:Groceries                 $40.21

Split Transaction

$> ql -m sm -t 100 --split
Total is $100.00  
Enter '0' for the remainder.  
Enter amount for split number 1:        $75  
Enter category for split number 1:      Expenses:Expenses:Groceries  
$25.00 remaining.  
Enter amount for split number 2:        $0  
Enter category for split number 2:      Expenses:Healthcare:Supplements  
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:  
2016-02-01 * Supermercado del Sol
        Expenses:Healthcare:Supplements        $25.00    
        Expenses:Groceries                     $75.00  
        Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing          $-100.00  


Use -a/--account for where funds are coming from and -c/--category for where the funds are going to.
Note: Account nicknames from .qlrc do not work with -c/--category

$> ql -m Transfer -a save -c Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing -t 100
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:  
2016-02-01 * Transfer
	Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing		$100.00

Other Examples

Credit Card Payment

$> ql -m "My Credit Union" -c "Liabilities:Credit:CU Visa" -t 100
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:  
2016-02-01 * My Credit Union
        Liabilities:Credit:CU Visa                      $100.00

Income: Getting Paid

$> ql -m "My Employer" -a Income:Salary:Employer -c Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing -t 2140.23
Wrote entry to /home/robotmachine/doc/Ledger.dat:  
2016-02-01 * My Employer
	Assets:MyCreditUnion:Chequing			$2140.23

Built-In Help

$> ql -h
usage: ql [-h] [-f LEDGER_FILE] [-a ACCOUNT] [-m MERCHANT] [-c CATEGORY]
          [-e EXPENSE] [-t AMOUNT] [-r RDATE] [-d DATE] [-s] [-x] [--list]
          [--set-acct] [--set-merch] [--set-cat] [--config ALT_CONFIG] [-v]

QuickLedger: Entry creation utility for http://ledger-cli.org

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Specify Ledger data file.
  -a ACCOUNT, --account ACCOUNT
                        Specify account.
  -m MERCHANT, --merchant MERCHANT
                        Set merchant.
  -c CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
                        Set transaction category.
  -e EXPENSE, --expense EXPENSE
                        Set expense category. (Prepends 'Expenses:')
  -t AMOUNT, --amount AMOUNT
                        Set transaction amount.
  -r RDATE, --rdate RDATE
                        Set number of days ago transaction occurred. Positive
                        value for days in the past, negative value for days in
                        the future. Overrides --date.
  -d DATE, --date DATE  Set date of transaction. Format is YYYY-MM-DD.
  -s, --split           Split payment.
  -x, --not-cleared     Mark transaction as not-cleared/pending.
  --list                List settings in config file.
  --config ALT_CONFIG   Specify alternate config file.
  -v, --version         Print version.