
Simple filesystem for embedded devices.


Simple filesystem for embedded devices.

SimplexFS is designed to be a simple-as-possible filesystem for embedded devices or otherwise devices with very little resources.


First, simplex is seperated into up to 65536 sectors of 256 bytes each. All numbers are stored in little-endian.

filesystem header

The first sector always contains a header, as follows:

0 5 sxh_magic Magic, always 0xfe 0xca 0x01 0x32 0x94.
5 2 sxh_nsect Number of sectors in total. This is the number of sectors which fit in the volume or partition. This number includes the sectors required for the header and allocation table, and their copies.
7 2 sxh_fat_entries Allocation unit size in entries of 16 bits.
9 2 sxh_fat_sectors Allocation unit size in sectors.
11 2 sxh_root Sector index of root directory.
13 2 sxh_ver Version ID of the filesystem; this specification is for version ID 0x01 0x00. First byte is major version, second byte is minor version.
15 1 sxh_media Media type: denotes how the media is structured. See: media types table below.
16 4 sxh_id Identifier for host OS: any data.
20 24 sxh_volid Volume name: ascii text, null-terminated if shorter than 24 charatcers.
44 3 sxh_rootlen Length in bytes of the root directory.
252 2 sxh_fat_chksum Allocation unit checksum: checksum of the allocation unit. Functions the same as the header checksum.
254 2 sxh_chksum Header checksum, even bytes are XORed into 254, while odd bytes are XORed into 255. For obvious reasons, bytes 254 and 255 are excluded from this logic.

To check that the filesystem header is not corrupt, do the following:

assert sxh_magic == 0xfeca0132
assert (sxh_fat_entries + 127) >> 7 == sxh_fat_sectors
checksum_even = 0
checksum_odd = 0
for (i in 0 to 254 step 2) {
    checksum_even = checksum_even ^ header_raw_bytes[i]
    checksum_odd = checksum_odd ^ header_raw_bytes[i + 1]
assert checksum_even == sxh_chksum & 0xff # (low byte, offset 254)
assert checksum_odd == sxh_chksum >> 8 # (high byte, offset 255)

In the case that this is corrupt, there is a failsafe: there is two copies of the filesystem header and two copies of the allocation unit. This allows file recovery utilities to help even if one of the copies breaks.

media types

Media types are a hint to what type the media is and can be used to tell the host OS how to read. Media types are not necessarily any of these values.

0x0? Generic; can be any media and simple follows the 256 byte sector rule.
0x1? Removable; generic for removable media types.
0x2? Generic read-only; generic for read-only media.
0x3? Removable read-only; generic for read-only removable media.
0x?0 Simple media with 256 byte physical and logical sectors.
0x?1 Simple media with 512 byte physical sectors. Logical sectors remain 256 bytes.
0x?2 Simple media with 1024 byte physical sectors. Logical sectors remain 256 bytes.
0x?3 Simple media with 2048 byte physical sectors. Logical sectors remain 256 bytes.
0x?4 Simple media with 4096 byte physical sectors. Logical sectors remain 256 bytes.

Now that you can be sure that the filesystem is not corrupt (or present in the first place), you want to know the allocation unit format. The allocation unit lives directly after the header sector and it's backup (so starting at sector 2). The allocation unit also has a copy directly after it. The allocation unit and has the following format:

allocation unit

The allocation unit is an array of 16-bit values which depict what is used and how sectors are connected.

0x0000 0x0000 Free sector; nothing of importance is present.
0x0001 0xfffe Allocated sector; this value points to the next sector.
0xffff 0xffff Allocated sector; this value indicates there is no next sector.

The sector ID represents sectors on the media. This means the first few sector IDs are all 0xffff so as to not allocate reserved sectors.

To determine the free space, iterate over all sectors in the allocation unit and count the number of 0x0000 sectors.

directory structure

0 2 dir_files Number of files in the directory.
2 30 reserved Reserved for later use.
32 dir_files * 32 dir_entries A list of file entries: one per file in the directory.

The filename strings correspond to the file entries in the order they are found in, the first file entry corresponds to the first filename.

file entry

Found within the directory, a file entry is used to find a file and infomation about it.

0 2 fe_flags File flags: see flags table below.
2 2 fe_uid User ID: any data the host OS needs to identify users.
4 2 fe_sect Starting sector of the file: first sector of the file's data.
6 3 fe_len File length; low byte indicates how much of the last block is in use.
9 2 fe_chksum Checksum of the file's contents: can be used to check validity.
11 5 reserved Unused; set to 0x00.
16 16 fe_name Name of the file; null-terminated ASCII string.

file flags

These flags are equal to the linux mode flags (man 2 chmod).

0 0q000001 0x0001 Guest exec premission: 1 if a non-owner user may execute the file.
1 0q000002 0x0002 Guest edit premission: 1 if a non-owner user may edit or delete the file.
2 0q000004 0x0004 Guest read premission: 1 if a non-owner user may read the file.
3 0q000010 0x0008 Group exec premission: 1 if the owner's group may execute the file.
4 0q000020 0x0010 Group edit premission: 1 if the owner's group may edit or delete the file.
5 0q000040 0x0020 Group read premission: 1 if the owner's group may read the file.
6 0q000100 0x0040 Owner exec premission: 1 if the owner may execute the file.
7 0q000200 0x0080 Owner edit premission: 1 if the owner may edit or delete the file.
8 0q000400 0x0100 Owner read premission: 1 if the owner may read the file.
9 0q001000 0x0200 Sticky bit; restricted deletion flag, as described in (man 2 unlink).
10 0q002000 0x0400 Set group ID: 1 if the file, upon executed, must use the owner's group ID instead of the executor's group ID.
11 0q004000 0x0800 Set user ID: 1 if the file, upon executed, must use the owner's user ID instead of the executor's user ID.
12-13 0q030000 0x3000 Unused; set to 0.
14 0q040000 0x4000 Is directory: 1 if the file is a directory. Do NOT edit with CHMOD.
15 0q100000 0x8000 Is system: 1 if the file or directory is required by the system.