
This is an extremely basic event bus wrangler that takes events from an odd doorbell API and sends them to a Home Assistant webhook. Or, er, any other webhook, I suppose.

It's simple because a doorbell always has to work, and amcrest2mqtt is quite a bit more complex and covers a lot of other devices. This project instead cares only about events, and I personally only care about the AD410 doorbell which I own (it should also work for the AD110).

How to use

Run it in docker. Set the following env vars:

  • WEBHOOK_URL: The URL of a Home Assistant (or something else) webhook trigger in an automation
  • AMCREST_HOST: The hostname/IP of your doorbell
  • AMCREST_USER: The admin username of the doorbell (probably admin)
  • AMCREST_PASS: The admin password

There are plenty of log entries for debugging but it should be pretty straight-forward. All events will be forwarded to the webhook address.

Does it work?
