
Validate ExpirationDate and isPurchase

josueruiz7 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have an issue implementing the follow validation:

RMStoreKeychainPersistence *persistence = [RMStore defaultStore].transactionPersistor;
BOOL purchased = [persistence isPurchasedProductOfIdentifier:productID];

RMStoreUserDefaultsPersistence *persistence2 = [RMStore defaultStore].transactionPersistor;
BOOL purchased2= [persistence2 isPurchasedProductOfIdentifier:productID];

Both always return "YES", for recently users sandbox created, I just did the login and the isPurchasedProductOfIdentifier return YES

And the expiration date always return "0" and appReceipt.expirationDate = null

[[RMStore defaultStore] refreshReceiptOnSuccess:^{
    //Validate if Expire Date for subscriptions
    RMAppReceipt* appReceipt = [RMAppReceipt bundleReceipt];
    NSLog(@"Is subscription 1 active: %d   --- %@", [appReceipt containsActiveAutoRenewableSubscriptionOfProductIdentifier:productID forDate:[NSDate date]],appReceipt.expirationDate); } failure:^(NSError *error) {
    // Verification failed

I am trying with the same demo project, just changing my provisioning profile, bundleID, and app version, and seeting my auto-renewable subscriptions product code.


I Have found the solution for this issue, I had to clear the transactions and after refresh them.
To clear the transactions:

 RMStoreKeychainPersistence *persistence = [RMStore defaultStore].transactionPersistor;
 [persistence removeTransactions];

to refresh:

 [[RMStore defaultStore] restoreTransactionsOnSuccess:^(NSArray *transactions){
      NSLog(@"Transactions restored");
      [[RMStore defaultStore] refreshReceiptOnSuccess:^{
             NSLog(@"Receipt refreshed");

    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"Something went wrong");

} failure:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"Something went wrong");
