- 0
Couldn’t communicate with a helper application
#236 opened by OfirMalach - 0
Does this support Xcode 13.4.1?
#235 opened by sidan5 - 1
iOS 12 beta “can not connect itune store”
#223 opened by sunXiChun - 8
#232 opened by MonekyHou - 2
'RMStoreContentDownloader' defined here has different definitions in different modules; first difference is this method
#233 opened by aryehToDog - 0
Receipt is nil
#234 opened by monish152 - 3
Create a new official fork to keep RMStore up to date
#216 opened by Tibbs - 0
Project Catalyst issue
#228 opened by chrisvanbuskirk - 2
Checking for an active auto-renewable subscription returns incorrect results
#230 opened by BigZaphod - 3
#231 opened by ForestRingGames - 1
- 0
TestFlight vs Sandbox for RMAppReceipt
#227 opened by dflateau - 3
'Already purchased' error for consumable purchases
#190 opened by djmckee - 1
- 1
Getting SSServerErrorDoamin code=2059
#222 opened by tsheaff - 1
Can downgrade inapp purchase
#204 opened by ludovicjamet - 1
Problems conflicting with BoringSSL
#219 opened by dsdsk - 6
- 1
Crashes in `RMKeychainGetValue`
#217 opened by aalenliang - 8
IPV6 support?
#194 opened by aaru - 7
Is RMStore still usable ?
#207 opened by meoz - 7
pod install for AppReceiptVerificator fails on OpenSSL
#185 opened by intari - 0
Update defaultStore to return instancetype?
#215 opened by chadpod - 8
Support dynamic libraries
#170 opened by sust86 - 0
RMAppReceipt RMASN1ReadInteger undefined behavior
#212 opened by Ramesik - 0
How an appid can purchase the same automatic subscription product for multiple user IDs
#209 opened by fronxe - 5
Best Way to Check Auto Renewable Subscription is still Active? if Yes then Active Premium Features..
#189 opened by qasimmehboob - 0
How to deal with localization?
#206 opened by nghuiqin - 0
- 4
"does not contain bitcode" on openSSL
#176 opened by Reiszecke - 0
- 0
restore purchase do't response
#202 opened by hcxyzlm - 1
- 0
applicationUsername is null
#201 opened by morteza2128 - 10
RMStore: invalid product with id myID
#181 opened by tienbao - 3
Transitive SSL Dependencies
#200 opened by apocals - 0
Overly constrained date gating in active autorenewal check results in false negatives
#199 opened by lzell - 0
Crash on restore
#196 opened by ReDetection - 1
How can I check non consumable purchase ?
#193 opened by bizibizi - 0
Carthage support
#192 opened by marbetschar - 0
Error 200?
#187 opened by natehancock - 2
RMAppReceipt.m: 'openssl/pkcs7.h' file not found
#167 opened by khushboom - 0
Payment Transaction Failed
#184 opened by shenfu1991 - 0
Is there a release due soon?
#180 opened by mwaterfall - 0
- 3
- 0
Swift support
#177 opened by ampilogov - 1
Validate ExpirationDate and isPurchase
#173 opened by josueruiz7 - 0
- 1
Dealing with slow (or no) access to iTunes Store
#171 opened by winzig