- 2
Add support for tvOS
#165 opened by alickbass - 2
Verifying app version with bundle version
#130 opened by KennethLj - 12
Right way to get the last receipt data using RMStore
#148 opened by renatga - 38
App Store update, IAP no longer works
#154 opened by ddaddy - 1
Crash in -[RMStore addProduct:] on OS X
#149 opened by kirbyt - 2
Auto-renewal subscription in sandbox
#147 opened by icamchu - 3
- 3
- 4
Back in February
#133 opened by hpique - 0
- 1
- 3
Building small SSL libs
#162 opened by AlexTalis - 3
Multiple receipt verification calls from - (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions
#146 opened by aksonov - 5
Transaction finished without unlocking content
#151 opened by sirnacnud - 5
Question: How do I properly find out if my user did buy an non-consumable IAP after an App-Update
#156 opened by georgbachmann - 1
- 1
Inapp hosted content ios9
#160 opened by Dezabro - 1
Why does RMStoreTransaction set ivars directly in initializers instead of setting properties?
#158 opened by AlexTalis - 1
Update readme
#152 opened by fulldecent - 1
- 3
Error installing OpenSSL What should i do?
#144 opened by Rosenkreuz - 3
Canceling In-App Purchase Throws Wrong Exception
#143 opened by ccocchiaro - 3
IAP does not work for iOS
#142 opened by alex-kakashi - 0
What trashAction in example project is actually for?
#141 opened by foffux - 1
Compiling issue Xcode 5.1
#135 opened by foffux - 0
In-App free subscription check
#137 opened by jamesmillerp - 1
RMStore persistor keeps forgetting in-app purchases
#132 opened by bmueller - 0
- 0
Saving a copy of receipt NSData containing consumables
#131 opened by Seoras - 4
A easy step by step somewhere ?
#129 opened by linked67 - 0
Restoring individual transactions
#127 opened by dbismut - 1
Calling Apple hosted downloaded content - Question
#125 opened by teamtomsk - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
isSubscriptionActive always Return NO
#121 opened by KiranPatelSpaceo - 1
Typo in verifyPKCS7
#118 opened by Leandros - 1
VerifyReceipt convert result to RMAppReceipt
#117 opened by UXDart - 2
- 1
Cannot debug on xcode5
#113 opened by tpctt - 1
can not run ios7
#111 opened by umutaktas - 1
ios8 problem
#110 opened by lastar4u - 2
- 0
Remove test observer hack
#107 opened by hpique - 3
Wrong auto renewable subscription expiration date?
#102 opened by t0rn - 1
In App Purchase not working while reviewing by Apple
#103 opened by guidev - 1
Issue with Requesting products
#99 opened by sleman - 3
Check that product is purchased
#98 opened by shmidt - 4
Switching from MKStoreKit
#94 opened by bmueller - 0
How can i get Analysis results of the payload from [RMAppReceipt bundleReceipt]?
#97 opened by Rosenkreuz