
Docker image used for compiling RobotPy for RoboRIO

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A docker image to be used for cross-compiling packages for the RoboRIO platform.


Note: these instructions should work on OSX and Linux

Build the container

If you want to just download our docker image from docker hub, you can skip this step. This step will take a long time.

$ make image

Use the container

Run the docker image (note that we map the current directory to the /v directory):

$ docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/v robotpy/roborio-cross-ubuntu:2023.1

Once you're in the container, source the virtual environment and you can now build python packages for the RoboRIO!

# source /build/venv/bin/activate
(use pip as normal)

For example, to create a wheel for pyyaml, you could do:

(cross) root@container:/# pip wheel pyyaml


Many thanks to @DirtyJerz for putting the initial version of this together!