
Link scratch blocks, gui, and desktop together.


Link scratch blocks, gui, and desktop together.


Prepare scratch-blocks

  1. cd scratch-blocks
  2. run npm install with access to Google
  3. run npm link

Prepare scratch-gui

  1. cd scratch-gui
  2. Switch to the scratch-desktop branch with git checkout scratch-desktop
  3. run npm install
  4. run npm link scratch-blocks to include local scratch-blocks

Prepare scratch-desktop

  1. cd scratch-desktop
  2. run npm install

Guide to debug or dist

Make your own blocks

  1. Add or modify blocks' description in file /scratch-blocks/blocks_vertical/robottime.js
  2. Add or modify blocks' scritp generator in file /scratch-blocks/generators/arduino/click.js
  3. run npm run prepublish with access to Google in folder /scratch-blocks
  4. Add or modify blocks' xml description in file /scratch-gui/src/lib/make-toolbox-xml.js

Change Arduino or Python button's onClick callback

  1. Edit onOpenArduinoEditor or onOpenPythonEditor in file /scratch-gui/src/containers/stage-header.jsx

build scratch-gui

run set BUILD_MODE=dist once and set STATIC_PATH=static once, then npm run build

debug or dist scratch-desktop

  • Run in development mode with npm start
  • Make a packaged build with npm run dist and find executable file from ./dist