Bootout 0.0.4
A collection of Knockout bindings for Bootstrap Icons, Bootstrap Progress Bars, and Bootstrap's 13 jQuery plugins.
NOTE 1: These bindings should be used as a replacement for bootstrap's data- javascript apis. The bindings and the data- apis will collide in behavior and should not be used on the same element.
NOTE 2: The github contains a 'default.html' file which contains in-progress usage examples. Documentation will be forthcoming when initial version of all bindings are complete.
NOTE 3: This is not a pure bootstrap JS wrapper. Some of bootstrap's JS methods cause some difficulty in designing a binding handler, and so in those cases bootstrap's functionality was mimicked in a way that allows it to be stateful.
Bindings are currently available for the following plugins and components:
jQuery Plugins
-Progress Bars
Binding Handlers Coming: