
A simple Python daemon that allows you to periodically speed & latency test your internet connection and view reporting in a web ui.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ConnTestD is a very simple connection testing daemon / service for monitoring internet connections periodically using the speedtest.net API written in Python.

A perfect use case is for monitoring your home internet connection using a Raspberry Pi (obviously your speed test will be limited to the speed of the Pi's NIC). At the moment ConnTestD has a very basic feature set which includes:

  • Periodic testing of your internet connection using the speedtest.net API
  • Storage of the results in any SQLAlchemy compatible DB (defaults to SQLite)
  • Basic web dashboard with recent test results and graphs for the last week

On the roadmap for the future are features including:

  • Alerting if a connection is down
  • Alerting if your connection falls below the minimum gauranteed speed as specified in your ISPs service level agreement
  • Alerting for high round trip times
  • Other storage backends such as time series databases rather than traditional SQLAlchemy RDBMS

Installation Guide (Debian Variants, e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Raspbian)

Works with either Python 2.7 or Python 3. This guide will install in a Python VirtualEnv to avoid clogging up your system Python installation.

Install required OS packages::

apt-get update
apt-get install python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools git

Install required Python packages::

easy_install3 pip
pip install virtualenv

Create VirtualEnv for application::

virtualenv /opt/conntestd

Assume the VirtualEnv and install ConnTestD::

source /opt/conntestd/bin/activate
pip install git+https://github.com/robputt796/ConnTestD.git

Create a new SystemD service file with the contents below in the following location with your favourite editor... /lib/systemd/system/conntestd.service::




Configure syslog to log to a specific file, open /etc/rsyslog.d/conntestd.conf in your favourite editor and configure as follows::

if $programname == 'conntestd' then /var/log/conntestd.log

Reload SystemD to load the new service file, start the service and configure to run at boot time::

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start conntestd
systemctl enable conntestd

Check the application has started logging to the specified log file::

cat /var/log/conntestd.log 

Next visit your server's IP in your browser on port 5000, you should see a speed test result, a new one should get added at 10 minute intervals.
