
Let's learn Docker and Kubernetes!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kubernetes Hands-on Workshop

Welcome to the Kubernetes Hands-on workshop.

Our Goals

  1. Get Docker Desktop running on your machine with Kubernetes mode enabled.

  2. Teach you the skills to leverage Docker and Kubernetes in your environment today.

Why are we learning Docker too? The Kubernetes story begins with "so you've got a Docker container ...". Docker is how we build the images; Kubernetes is how we run these containers at scale.


The workshop is broken into 3 main sections:

  1. Welcome to Docker: We assume no prior container knowledge.

  2. Welcome to Kubernetes: We take the Docker images built above and run them in Kubernetes locally.

  3. Kubernetes in the Cloud: We take our knowledge in the two previous sections and run in Azure or another cloud.

In each section we will:

  1. Instructor-led discussion: We'll learn about the technology through slides and live demos.

  2. Self-directed hello-world excercise: You'll get fingers on keyboard to try out this technology.

  3. Real-world excercise: Given the knowledge you've gained, you'll take on a harder problem, a more real-world scenario.

At the end of this workshop, you'll be able to take source code in various languages, use configuration as code to build a Dockerfile that packages the software, and host the software in Kubernetes in the cloud.


This course assumes no prior knowledge of containers, Docker, Kubernetes, or infrastructure-as-code.

The only prerequisites are software installed on the machine you bring:

  1. Install and update Docker Desktop. There's a free version for Mac, Linux, and Windows for personal use.

    If Docker Desktop licensing is bothersome, look at Podman Desktop, Rancher Desktop, or Minikube. You'll also need to adapt the courseware to compensate for differences in these tools.

  2. Enable Kubernetes Mode in Docker Desktop's settings. It will take a while to pull all the Kubernetes pieces to your machine.

  3. Pull a few images we'll use in this course.

See the full install instructions in Chapter 0.

Other Resources

If you find the guy in the front of the room particularly boring, jump into these resources: