GQL Foundation website

This site is built using Hugo and hosted on Netlify.

Running the site locally {#running}

To run the site locally, you must first set it up:

  1. Install Hugo. For this site, you need to install an "extended" version of Hugo with support for Sass.
  2. Install Yarn, and run yarn to install dependencies

Now you can launch a development web server:

make serve

Navigate to http://localhost:1313 in your browser to view the site.

Publishing the site

This site is published automatically by Netlify. Any time you push changes to the master branch, the site will be rebuilt and republished with those changes.

Updating the site's content

All of the site's content is generated from sources that are not directly in the HTML templates:

  • The site's title is set using the title variable in the site's main config.toml configuration file; the subtitle is set using params.home.subtitle; the large-text info section above the "About" section is set using; and the "About" section is set using params.home.about. Markdown is supported in all of these text blocks.
  • The navbar links are generated from the params.nav map in config.toml
  • The FAQ is generated from the data/faq.yaml file


This site uses the Bulma CSS framework. The Sass used to build the site's CSS is in assets/sass/style.sass. If you make changes to the Sass while running the site locally, Hugo will automatically update the CSS and refresh the page in the browser.