This project provides a node.js client and helper functions for using Pardot's streaming api.
To install the client, use npm:
npm install pardot-streaming-client
The PushApi is the main client class that is used to subscibe to pardot data streams.
Simple Example Application:
var PardotClient = require('pardot-streaming-client');
var psh = new PardotClient.PushApi({
delayBeforeReconnect: 10,
processPushNotification: function(message){
}, function(){
The constructor takes an options object. Available options are:
- autoLoginOnDisconnect: Enables auto-reconnect and login if a connection is lost. Default value = true.
- delayBeforeReconnect: Delay (in milliseconds) before automatic reconnect if the connection is lost.
- requestLoginCredentialsCB: Callback for notification of incorrect username and password.
- loginSuccessCB: Callback that notifies that authentiation was successful.
- loginFailedCB: Callback that notifies that authentiation failed.
- serverDisconnectCB: Callback that notifies that the connection was lost.
- serverConnectCB: Callback that notifies a successful connection. (But not yet authenticated)
- processPushNotification: Callback that gets run every time data is recieved from the stream. This callback should have a single parameter that is the incomming data.
- displayConsoleMessage: Function for displaying to console (for debug messages),
The message inspector provides a number of static helper functions that allow you to better extract data from incomming messages. The list of messageInspector functions are:
- hasProspect
- isAnonymousVisitor
- hasVisitor
- isPageView
- isEmailOpenActivity
- isOneToOneEmailOpenActivity
- isEmailClickActivity
- isLandingPageActivity
- isFileActivity
- isFormViewActivity
- isFormSuccessfulSubmitActivity
- isFormFailedSubmitActivity
- isCampaignOfName
- getCampaignName
- isActivityOfType
- getActivityState
- getActivityNameAndDetails
- isVisitorActivity
- hasHydratedProperty
- decorateNameAndCompanyFromProspect
- decorateNameAndCompanyFromVisitor
- getActivityType
- isProspectWithCrmUrl
- isWebinarActivity
- isPaidSearchClickActivity
- isVisitorActivityWithIdentifiedCompany
- isIdentifiedCompanyWithoutProspectActivity
- isSiteSearchActivity
- isCountryMatch
- isCountryGroupMatch
- isStateMatch
- isWhoisCountryMatch
- isWhoisCountryGroupMatch
- isWhoisStateMatch
- isVisitorActivityWithWhoisCountry
- isVisitorActivityWithWhoisState
- getProspectCrmUrl
- isStarred
- isFilteredActivity
- isActivityOfProspectAssignedToUser
- isActivityOfProspectAssignedToCurrentUser
- getContactInfo
- getWhoIs
- getProspectInfo
- getProspectId
- getVisitorId
- getCreatedAt
- getProspectScore
- getProspectGrade
- getProspect
- getVisitor
Example Usage in your processPushNotification callback:
function processPushNotification(message){
//This notification is associated with a prospect being sent an email
The filtered notifier object is a helper object that allows you to split a single data stream into multiple notification streams that are filtered by a filter function.
Example usage in conjunction with the MessageInspector:
var PardotClient = require('pardot-streaming-client');
var notifier = new PardotClient.FilteredNotifier();
//Setup 2 Streams of notification, 1 for Landing pages, 1 for forms
notifier.addListener(PardotClient.MessageInspector.isLandingPageActivity, function(message){
//This function is called every time an event happens with a landing page
notifier.addListener(PardotClient.MessageInspector.isFormActivity, function(message){
//This function is called every time an event happens with a form
var psh = new PardotClient.PushApi({
delayBeforeReconnect: 10,
processPushNotification: notifier.processMessage
}, function(){