
On-chain font registry

Primary LanguageSolidity

On-chain Font Registry

Why a font registry?

Any project that has on-chain SVGs cannot embed custom fonts by querying a font provider (like Google Fonts). The font data has to live on-chain or the SVG does not properly render.

Teams have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars individually uploading custom fonts as it's not a trivial thing to do. As on-chain SVGs become more promiment, more and more teams will be uploading fonts.

This font registry provides a hub of all on-chain fonts that any team can use in a simple way and prevent double uploading of fonts.

We're currently looking for public good grants to reward font uploaders as this registry will be 100% a public good for teams.


FontRegistry.sol is the central registry where projects can query for desired fonts. It is just a mapping of font name to the contract address where the font is stored. Initiailly we will only be accepting public licensed fonts to the registry, I don't want to deal with IP and shit at this moment.

IFont.sol is the interface that MUST be implemented if the font contract wants to be included in the registry. All font contracts MUST be immutable after the font is uploaded to the font contract to be included to the registry - this is necessary so font data doesn't get arbitrarily updated once projects start using it.

Please leave any feedback as an issue or DMing me.

Font Registry Contract

FontRegistry.sol has 3 primary functions addFontToRegistry() , deleteFontFromRegistry() , and getFont(). Both addFontToRegistry and deleteFontFromRegistry are admin gated to prevent arbitrary contracts (potentially malicious) getting added to this registry. The admins can be the maintainers of the registry, a DAO, or another entity.

Admins must verify font contracts implement the IFont.sol interface and that the data is immutable before adding the font contract to the registry.

getFont() is the generic function that projects will use to query for any font that the registry contains.

IFont interface and criteria for font contracts

It is open ended and up to the dev on how they want to actually upload the font data (either SSTORE2 or hardcoded string or etc) - we leave this flexible as devs have different preferences and one way might be better than the other for different font sizes.

However, all font contracts must implement IFont.sol so that the registry knows how to properly query your font data and that all fonts in the registry conform to a standard.

The ONLY other criteria that a font contract needs is that the font data returned MUST be immutable. We must prevent font contracts from getting arbitrarily updated as it might break projects actually using the font or devs may updated and try to return malicious bytes.

One way to make the font contracts immutable is by having the functions that upload/change font data to be Ownable. Once you have uploaded your font and tested it works, simply renounceOwnership and now the contract can never change the font data.

Another way is to have a flag like fontIsFinalized that once is set to true, can never be set to false and prevents all data from being mutated in the contract.

Completely up to you.

Example font + getting added to registry

Let's take a look at an example.

  1. We first take the font we want to upload (in our case its a ttf font) and base64 encoded it. Fonts can be any format (ttf, woff, otf, etc).

  2. We then prefix our base64 encoded font (saved as a txt file in our case) with the correct data uri scheme. Since our font is base64 encoded, a ttf font, and we want utf-8, our prefix looks like data:font/ttf;charset=utf-8;base64,. Take a look at our example font and you can see the prefix we added. Most prefixes will look like this.

  3. We then create our font contract that we will upload our font to. We implement IFont.sol with the correct values.

  4. We create a script to locally test font uploading and renouncing ownership (how we make our fonts immutable in this example) work properly.

  5. Lastly, we deploy our font contract to mainnet and upload the font by running the same script. Verify your contract on etherscan.

  6. Submit an issue on this repo with a etherscan link to your font contract. Maintainers will review it and if it conforms to the standard, we will add it to the registry and the website where it will be searchable and queryable by anyone.

This is just an example and you can upload your font however you want.


A project using the registry simply needs to query a font like so:

contract ProjectA {
    address public fontRegistry = <FONT_REGISTRY_CONTRACT>

    function constructSVG() external returns (string memory) {
        return string(
                "<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='256' height='256'>"
   				    ... more svg styling shit here ...
                   "<style type='text/css'>"
                   "@font-face {"
                   "font-family: 'TimesNewRoman';"
                   "font-style: normal;"
                   FontRegistry.getFont('TimesNewRoman'), // easily embedding font
                   ".title {"
                   "font-family: 'TimesNewRoman';"
                   "letter-spacing: 0.025em;"
                   "font-size: 23px;"
                   "fill: white;"

Design Choices (feel free to submit feedback)

FontRegistry is non-upgradeable as it adds gas overhead for each query. Since projects using fonts will most likely be rendering SVGs on-chain, gas usage will be incredibly high. It is quite possible these SVG rendering contracts will be close to the gas limit for a block and we don't want to add overhead to that.

We leave it up to the font uploader to upload the font as long as they implement IFont and make the data immutable. Uploading font is open ended as devs have different prefences and we want to leverage fonts that have already been uploaded on-chain (create a contract that just points to the existing contracts). We need the data to be immutable so there are no breaking changes or malicious bytes uploaded in the future as projects start using the font.

We add the data uri scheme prefix to the base64 encoded font as it's free to do so and less on-chain string concat.